Thursday, December 15, 2011



  1. Before Maizy died last week, I was going to start my dogs on homemade dogfood. I looked into the raw diet but saw a few things I was concerned about. (1) Chicken bones are really bad for them. They can break and splinter in their throats causing them to choke and (2) most dogs on the raw diet have continous problems with worms whether they're on medication for them or not. It will be intresting ready how your dogs do.

  2. I meant reading how your dogs do as my last sentence. Sorry for the misspell.

  3. Missy I was concerned about those two thing as well but I have read so many books that really put my mind at ease about both of those. And watching my dogs eat the chicken really put me at ease. They chewed those bones up like they were kibble and had no prob at all. I will let you know though about the worms. Will be checking them often and bringing in samples to the vet. Will keep you informed on that. I don't foresee a problem though.

  4. Oh and Missie! I'm SO sorry about Maizy too :( That is so sad. I know how much you guys loved her.
